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Timothy I 4:10
B  duþþe allis arbaidjam jah idweitjanda, unte wenidedum du guda libandin, saei ist nasjands allaize manne, þishun galaubjandane.
— εἰς τοῦτο γὰρ κοπιῶμεν καὶ ἀγωνιζόμεθα, ὅτι ἠλπίκαμεν ἐπὶ θεῷ ζῶντι, ὅς ἐστιν σωτὴρ πάντων ἀνθρώπων, μάλιστα πιστῶν.
— For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.
