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Mark 2:17
jah gahausjands Iesus qaþ du im: ni þaurbun swinþai lekeis, ak þai ubilaba habandans; ni qam laþon uswaurhtans, ak frawaurhtans.
- — καὶ ἀκούσας ὁ ἰησοῦς λέγει αὐτοῖς [ὅτι] οὐ χρείαν ἔχουσιν οἱ ἰσχύοντες ἰατροῦ ἀλλ' οἱ κακῶς ἔχοντες: οὐκ ἦλθον καλέσαι δικαίους ἀλλὰ ἁμαρτωλούς.
- — When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.
Corinthians I 4:10
weis dwalai in Xristaus, iþ jus frodai in Xristau; weizuþ~þan unmahteigai, iþ jus swinþai; juzuþ~þan wulþagai, iþ weis unswerai.
- — ἡμεῖς μωροὶ διὰ χριστόν, ὑμεῖς δὲ φρόνιμοι ἐν χριστῷ: ἡμεῖς ἀσθενεῖς, ὑμεῖς δὲ ἰσχυροί: ὑμεῖς ἔνδοξοι, ἡμεῖς δὲ ἄτιμοι.
- — We are fools for Christ's sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honourable, but we are despised.
Corinthians II 13:9
aþþan faginom, þan weis siukam, iþ jus swinþai siuþ; þizuh auk jah bidjam, izwaraizos ustauhtais.
aþþan faginom, þan weis siukam, iþ jus swinþai sijuþ; þizuh auk jah bidjam, izwaraizos ustauhtais.
- — χαίρομεν γὰρ ὅταν ἡμεῖς ἀσθενῶμεν, ὑμεῖς δὲ δυνατοὶ ἦτε: τοῦτο καὶ εὐχόμεθα, τὴν ὑμῶν κατάρτισιν.
- — For we are glad, when we are weak, and ye are strong: and this also we wish, even your perfection.